Helping You Connect with Your Healing Energy



Spiritual Table Tipping


Spiritual Table Tipping is form of physical mediumship. Because everything is energy, the energy of your loved ones comes through the table and by moving the table in answer to your questions, your Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, and loved ones can communicate with you. It is incredibly powerful and extraordinarily physically, emotionally and spiritually healing.


At a Spiritual Table Tipping session you can:

  • Communicate directly with Loved ones who have passed on
  • Connect and develop relationship with your Guardian Angel/Spirit Guides
  • Discover what your soul plan is and if you are on the right path
  • Learn about areas that you are stuck and how you can release it
  • Learn how to gain the most out of relationships
  • Receive guidance about your career and business
  • Experience physical, emotional and spiritual healing

This is a very powerful healing modality where you can actually feel your loved ones essence and presence!!  You can feel their hugs!!!


Fees for services:  $80 per hour for individual or group sessions.


To view a video clip on Spiritual Table Tipping, please click on the link below.



Feel free to call (207)-314-1499 for more information