Hi! I am Alice and I am a Spirit Communicator and Shamanic Practitioner-- Healer of the spirit. I am the owner and sole proprietor of Seeds of Grace. I was in healthcare from 1975 to 2010. In 2002 my brother John transitioned to the other side and came through to me in many ways. It was through these visits from spirit that brought me to where I am today. I continue to have a passion for healing work however now it is through various energy healing modalities including Psychic Mediumship, Spiritual Table Tipping, Reiki, and Shamanic practices.
In 2015, I completed Dory Cote's, The Center For Earth Light Healing, Two-Year Advanced Shamanic Initiations and in November of 2017 I attended The Four Wind's Society Light Body School in Chile, where I completed the 300 hour Core Curriculum for Shamanic Energy Medicine with the founder Alberto Villoldo and his wife, Marcella Lobos.
My soul's mission is to serve, factilitate and inspire soul healing and to create awareness and connection to the Divinity within each of us. My main goal is to prove continuity of life, after what we call death, and to assist you with your soul development when you become "stuck" in your spiritual journey.
I am very blessed to have this connection with loved ones and spirit guides who have passed on or transitioned to the radiant light of infinite love and lasting peace. These loved ones in spirit want to assist us in our healing, spiritual growth, soul development or enlightenment and I am a eager to be of service to them and to you!
My passion for Mediumship, Spiritual Table Tipping, intuitive work and energy healing work grows daily!